That’s Local Advertising…

That’s Local Advertising…

“Cookie based” stalwarts such as behavioral targeting, and re-targeting may seem like good ideas in national advertising where humans are faceless and ramifications of awkward stalking are kept at arms length, but local sellers of online advertising beware.

Let’s say you own a carpet store in a market of 50,000 people.  This community is where you live, shop, worship, are involved in  your community’s affairs, and have built a reputation where your carpet selling business is an important retail outlet in your locality.  Then some quick talking sales person tells you that the newest and hottest thing is re-targeting where you can identify people who have clicked on an ad and relentlessly target them until they either buy a carpet or start picketing your business because you have taken a step to advertise like the national advertisers that keep the ugliness at arms length.

You get the idea?  Our company advertises locally without cookies at all and we show ads in the fertile environment where a person is actually receptive to seeing the ad from such a community leader as this carpet store.  This person aka “user” may click on the ad, or decide to drive to your store.  That’s local advertising.

Tom Doyle, CEO, Aqua Media Direct, Inc.



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